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Personal stats

1  MugenEXE
Last talked: Yesterday 17:59
Visits: 1305
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 62212
Active days: 624/653
Average lines per day: 100
Average letters per line: 34.2
Received a kicking 20 times
Number of descriptions: 5682
CAPS ratio: 0.9%
Question ratio: 9.3%
Exclamation ratio: 6.6%
Number of nicks used: 157
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

 4/6- 4/13- 4/20-
The latest lines
Yesterday 17:57<MugenEXE> Guess what?
17:59<MugenEXE> <~Ryouko> my air conditioner is broken and it's like 97 outside ;___; <- You sure it isn't s9x?
19:44*** MugenEXE is now known as MilesEdgeworth
2 Lisa
Last talked: 6/14/2008 19:33
Visits: 444
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 28554
Active days: 301/653
Average lines per day: 95
Average letters per line: 31.3
Received a kicking 5 times
Number of descriptions: 873
CAPS ratio: 2.6%
Question ratio: 6.3%
Exclamation ratio: 4.4%
Number of nicks used: 133
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
6/14/2008 19:11<Lisa> im walking past the dinner table getting water and im like YOU ATE IT ALL ALREADY?!
19:11<Lisa> i had like two pieces cuz i dont like mini shrimp things, i like jumbo shrimp :D
19:33<Lisa> its too hot there
20:40*** Lisa has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
3 Nanao
Last talked: 4/19 19:52
Visits: 424
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 26618
Active days: 345/653
Average lines per day: 77
Average letters per line: 33.4
Received a kicking 8 times
Number of descriptions: 3383
CAPS ratio: 0.6%
Question ratio: 8.5%
Exclamation ratio: 2.5%
Chatkills: 2
Number of nicks used: 83
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
 4/6- 4/13- 4/20-
The latest lines
4/19 19:17<Nanao> d
19:17<Nanao> d'awww
19:17* Nanao shoots her enter key
19:52<Nanao> Dooty
4/20 0:11*** Nanao has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
4/21 17:16*** Nanao has joined #RockmanEXEOnline
Yesterday 0:09*** Nanao has quit IRC (Quit: -=SysReset 2.55=-)
4 PlaguedOne
Birthday: 8/11/1982
Age: 26 years
Last talked: Today 1:22
Visits: 234
Status: Operator
Lines: 24681
Active days: 601/653
Average lines per day: 41
Average letters per line: 28.0
Opped people 35 times
Has kicked out 37 people
Number of descriptions: 1252
Topics set: 19
CAPS ratio: 3.4%
Question ratio: 9.7%
Exclamation ratio: 8.2%
Number of nicks used: 25
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  He likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

 4/6- 4/13- 4/20-
5 Zhen-Chan
Last talked: 4/19 12:52
Visits: 1162
Status: Normal user
Lines: 19857
Active days: 525/653
Average lines per day: 38
Average letters per line: 26.7
Received a kicking 2 times
Number of descriptions: 3727
CAPS ratio: 4.8%
Question ratio: 9.4%
Exclamation ratio: 7.3%
Number of nicks used: 115
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

 4/6- 4/13- 4/20-
The latest lines
4/19 11:10<Zhen-Chan> I like him as the grumpy old man
11:10<Zhen-Chan> Even though I'm like 10 years older, mayhaps
11:10<Zhen-Chan> :> He's cool
11:13<Zhen-Chan> :3c
11:14<Zhen-Chan> brb, fooods~
12:52<Zhen-Chan> :O
13:25*** Zhen-Chan has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
6 Talec
Last talked: Today 1:23
Visits: 881
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 15361
Active days: 559/653
Average lines per day: 27
Average letters per line: 28.2
Received a kicking 7 times
Number of descriptions: 4013
CAPS ratio: 2.1%
Question ratio: 8.3%
Exclamation ratio: 10%
Chatkills: 2
Number of nicks used: 223
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

 4/6- 4/13- 4/20-
7 Quatre
Last talked: 4/21 1:44
Visits: 351
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 15346
Active days: 525/653
Average lines per day: 29
Average letters per line: 39.3
Received a kicking 3 times
Number of descriptions: 2728
CAPS ratio: 1.1%
Question ratio: 11%
Exclamation ratio: 6.3%
Number of nicks used: 171
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

 4/6- 4/13- 4/20-
The latest lines
4/21 0:20* Quatre pouncedrags Hub off to PM
1:44<Quatre> *WB(ViewtifulStarman)WB* - <ViewtifulStarman> <Slifer> I'm straight, right? :(( Straight as a Slinky
2:32*** Quatre is now known as DeadQuatre
8 Midnight
Last talked: Yesterday 22:48
Visits: 1484
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 14530
Active days: 620/653
Average lines per day: 23
Average letters per line: 28.5
Received a kicking 2 times
Number of descriptions: 566
Question ratio: 12%
Exclamation ratio: 3.3%
Number of nicks used: 211
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

 4/6- 4/13- 4/20-
The latest lines
Yesterday 17:40*** Midnight is now known as Midnight|Dinner
18:06<Midnight|Dinner> 97.
18:06<Midnight|Dinner> We've yet to get that here, butit'll probably hit 80 by the weekend.
22:48<Midnight> ...okay?
23:01*** Midnight has quit IRC (Quit: -=SysReset 2.55=-)
9 Hub
Last talked: Today 1:24
Visits: 572
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 13961
Active days: 510/653
Average lines per day: 27
Average letters per line: 27.2
Received a kicking 4 times
Number of descriptions: 948
CAPS ratio: 4.1%
Question ratio: 7.1%
Exclamation ratio: 6.1%
Number of nicks used: 33
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

 4/6- 4/13- 4/20-
10 Angelfan
Last talked: 3/19 3:07
Visits: 1015
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 13632
Active days: 344/653
Average lines per day: 40
Average letters per line: 26.7
Received a kicking 9 times
Number of descriptions: 712
CAPS ratio: 0.8%
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 2.3%
Number of nicks used: 294
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
4/2 1:45*** Angelfan|class has joined #RockmanEXEOnline
17:17*** Angelfan|class has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
4/3 5:14*** Angelfan|class has joined #RockmanEXEOnline
8:28*** Angelfan|class has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
4/14 17:41*** Angelfan|class has joined #RockmanEXEOnline
18:24*** Angelfan has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
23:49*** Angelfan has joined #RockmanEXEOnline
4/15 14:30*** Angelfan has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
16:31*** Angelfan has joined #RockmanEXEOnline
16:35*** Angelfan has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

#RockmanEXEOnline's tiny line spammers!

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 MugenEXE  8376 "Sorry!"
2 Lisa  7268 "..."
3 Nanao  6056 "waha"
4 Zhen-Chan  5512 "Oooh!"
5 Talec  4716 "yo~"
6 PlaguedOne  4594 "Awwww"
7 NotJim  4376 "Zhen!"
8 Hub  3947 "Nice"
9 Midnight  3223 "Heya."
10 Arison  3174 "yes"

Top 10 emo users on #RockmanEXEOnline

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Lisa  1753 "I think I have a fever D:"
2 MugenEXE  1338 "Pointy fingernails... not pointy enough! D:"
3 Sketch  1119 "http://kotaku.com/354601/phantom-hourglass-gashapon <---I want these D:"
4 Quatre  981 "does anyone here have Escaflowne eps I can leech off of them? ;_;"
5 Ryoma  957 "I can't figure if this guy in 24 is the same guy from Scrubs .-."
6 Talec  861 "".......ow. :( frak you too, guts""
7 NotJim  758 "I hate it when my 'boss' flirts with me :("
8 Kai  616 "I reeeeally don't wanna miss this opportunity ;_;"
9 Sai-kun  587 "Mavvy: How do I get the age thing to work? D:"
10 SR  480 "i have no idea what it means to pore over something :("

Top 10 #RockmanEXEOnline yaoi fanboys and fangirls!

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 MugenEXE  68 "FIVE AWESOME ADMINS!, four Forte pacepalms, three mental problems, Two turtle mechs, and ..."
2 Quatre  37 "[22:47] <Lisa[Tarea]> So now I have to look for pictures or draw pictures related to sex. <..."
3 BubblemanEXE  32 "QUOTE: (Total quotes: 186 Here's a random quote de puku!) <Marisa> (me) Do you like yaoi? ..."
4 Slifer  22 "because saiyuki is a hyaoi anime :O"
5 Kai  19 "I like yaoi"
6 Poochy  16 "There will be Meet the Robinsons yaoi - Monday April 09, 2007 4:13 PM"
7 Nanao  15 "I maintain that nothing is safe from yaoi. Futhermore, Gundam Seed Destiny fans are dangerous."
8 Lisa  11 "[11:57] <MugenEXE> It's not supposed to be yaoi. Yuri, morelike. <-- Utena is like.. bi...... ..."
9 Core  11 "Yaoi? :3c"
10 TheDoctor  9 ""It's pretty lulzy finding hidden flavor to your Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Like how Marauding Captain and ..."

It seems that in #RockmanEXEOnline these 10 people talk about Sony the most de puku

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 MugenEXE  143 "I can watch DBZ on my PS3"
2 Angelfan  76 "the video game gods want me to buy a ps3"
3 Hub  74 "I got jumanji for my PSP"
4 Zhen-Chan  56 "http://blog90.fc2.com/l/lovefami/file/080125.jpg Holy crap, fami's owner has a lot of PSPs :O"
5 PlaguedOne  40 "But I own the original PS2 version"
6 ViewtifulStarman  32 "now you can use your playstation to buy LEGALLY BLONDE"
7 Poochy  27 "First batch of PS3s: Outright suck."
8 Arison  25 "It is really... A PS3 GAME."
9 Quatre  24 "brother left his PSP since he went to basic training :3"
10 Nenji  24 "Sony among other companies, delibirately persist the region coding system because it allows them ..."

These 10 people just LOVE to talk about me. I know, it's hard not to.

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 MugenEXE  178 "Your odor, Bubbleman."
2 PlaguedOne  127 "Handle them for me, my apprentice....Darth Bubbleman"
3 Sol  102 "Wolzard focuses and bestows energy upon BubblemanEXE with MEDITATION!"
4 BubblemanEXE  97 "QUOTE: (Total quotes: 179 Here's a random quote de puku!) <GutsmanEXE> I'm gonna smack ..."
5 Nanao  55 "because I don't think I'll be able to bring bubbs into class D="
6 Quatre  45 "i love you, bubbleman"
7 Arison  44 "Why is Bubbleman talking?"
8 Slifer  23 "bubble man you seem confused, de puku"
9 MarisaEXE  23 "Bubbs, did you do this?"
10 Kitty-Chan  23 "what is Bubbsy's malfunction?"

These 10 people must have sore arms from waving to the people of #RockmanEXEOnline

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Zhen-Chan  600 "will be home late~ o/"
2 MugenEXE  472 "Wolf o/"
3 NotJim  281 "\o"
4 Dingo  220 "o/"
5 Arison  198 "Anyway, I'm off for the night. o/"
6 Poochy  143 "And WB Sol~ o/"
7 Yue-chan  115 "Dingo~ o/"
8 Ryouko  109 "o/"
9 Izumi  100 "night o/"
10 Zzzzhen  98 "\o"

Big Numbers

Ryouko couldn't decide whether to come or go and joined #RockmanEXEOnline 2488 times during this reporting period...
Quit message spammers
Nick amount Sample Quote
1. MugenEXE 26 (NickServ (GHOST command used by MugenEXE))
2. Zippo[work] 24 (NickServ (GHOST command used by Zippo[work))
3. Midnight 10 (NickServ (GHOST command used by Blinking_Spirit))
4. Nobi-chan 10 (Rejoining!)
5. Sol 10 (Rejoining!)
MugenEXE liked showing off, giving 5682 self-descriptions.
 [12:04:54] * Mugen cuts you all up with linoleum knives
The evil guard of #RockmanEXEOnline was BubblemanEXE who got this reputation after kicking out 155 people.
 [13:17:13] <Ryoma> WTF!!!!!!
[13:17:14] * Ryoma was kicked by BubblemanDS (Stop spamming my channel with exclamation points, you spaz! Pupupuku... >_<)

PlaguedOne only managed to kick 37 people (he'll have to try harder...)

MugenEXE had a problem with authority and got booted out 20 times.
 [23:16:12] <MugenEXE> *WB(Templar)WB* - * Mina rawrs! * BubblemanDS is now known as BubblemanEXE <Core> Mina scared the DS out of Bubbs! xD
[23:22:09] * MugenEXE was kicked by cruddpuppet (har)

Ryoma was close behind with 12 kicks.

Bluntasaur was uncertain about many things - 30% of lines contained a question.

SuperWalMartQuatre was almost as bad, having a question ratio of 27%.

MugenEXE seemed to prefer talking to themself, writing over 5 lines in a row 487 times...

Runner-up auto-chatter: Hub - was caught talking to themself 310 times.

MugenEXE forgot to turn off the CAPS-lock, writing 540 lines in CAPS.
Total net split count: 376. On average that is 4.03 splits per week

Most splits per day: 7 splits on 8/28/2008

Longest net split occurred on 11/24/2008 15:30 and lasted for 540 h 29 min (2 people dropped during this split)

The most people (30) dropped on 9/16/2007 1:00. This split lasted for 1 min.

Popular words in #RockmanEXEOnline:

Count Word Last used by At
4912 "because" PlaguedOne Today 1:21
4254 "seconds" DeadQuatre Yesterday 8:17
4030 "something" ViewtifulStarman Yesterday 7:38
2818 "Awesome" NotJim Yesterday 7:41
2539 "actually" ViewtifulStarman Yesterday 7:58
2113 "someone" PlaguedOne Today 1:21
1959 "thought" Talec 4/20 23:17
1832 "Probably" Midnight Yesterday 18:06
1771 "straight" Quatre 4/21 1:44
1756 "getting" Equilibrium 4/20 18:11

Who has their own private vocabulary?
Count Nick Randomly selected sample(amount)
279 MugenEXE "awesomu"(6), "trousers"(7), "gawking"(4), "Elecmon"(4), "bumpkin"(3), "Ohohoh~"(3), ...
186 Poochy "Rawhide"(12), "Brueghel"(10), "steamer"(4), "gelatine"(7), "Nicarette"(6), ...
164 BubblemanEXE "ct=title"(15), "ZhenZilla"(15), "Swordie"(9), "XHunter"(9), "Sorrier"(6), "fanfuccing"(15), ...
81 Talec "EvilMike"(12), "ARIRIRIRI~"(18), "KarleKat"(9), "Jones`s"(4), "Babylon"(4), "mangoes"(3), ...
77 Sol "unleashes"(24), "star...~"(155), "Searing"(10), "Tsuchiya"(7), "Bellies"(3), "Tsujiyoko"(8), ...
75 PlaguedOne "SomeGuy"(13), "defiance"(11), "youhave"(5), "Grahams"(3), "throwin"(3), "Wiseass"(3), ...
74 Lisa "humungo"(4), "Proctor"(4), "foaming"(3), "shiitake"(6), "jordans"(3), "whimper"(3), ...
62 Nanao "NotHere"(12), "Setters"(6), "FRACKERS"(8), "tetanus"(5), "crazily"(3), "fudging"(3), ...
55 Arison "SHIIIIT"(4), "smeared"(4), "yeessss"(4), "gerwalk"(3), "FanExpo"(3), "scheduel"(4), ...
55 Quatre "Middy-papa"(56), "catboys"(8), "legendia"(10), "pooples"(5), "person~"(4), "happies"(3), ...

These pairs like to talk in their own special language
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample(amount)
132 MugenEXE and Nanao "standup"(10), "trippin"(8), "Gokusen"(6), "Jameson"(5), "runaway"(5), "Elysian"(4), ...
81 MugenEXE and Quatre "Guilmon"(18), "elderly"(4), "wishful"(4), "climbed"(3), "hawt.~~~~"(10), "snogging"(5), ...
77 MugenEXE and PlaguedOne "tearing"(15), "snagged"(4), "portray"(3), "credited"(5), "petrified"(7), "Governor"(3), ...
63 MugenEXE and Poochy "ticking"(6), "Wriggle"(5), "kudasai"(5), "Whitney"(5), "Chipnyu"(4), "storing"(3), ...
59 MugenEXE and Lisa "Grumble"(10), "VANTAGE"(8), "saddening"(12), "scalpel"(5), "wealthy"(5), "IGNITION"(7), ...
57 MugenEXE and Talec "katie~~"(8), "Unicorn"(8), "sincere"(6), "Pukumon"(5), "Sasusora"(6), "parrots"(3), ...
43 MugenEXE and Midnight "Fumoffu"(8), "variant"(6), "jukebox"(5), "mangled"(4), "Devious"(4), "hangers"(3), ...
42 Nanao and MiaFey "fracked"(8), "vaccuum"(7), "Kamille"(5), "incense"(3), "babushka"(5), "Alexander"(7), ...
41 MugenEXE and ViewtifulStarman "Mochimon"(12), "Bizarro"(6), "Jiraiya"(5), "whatnow"(4), "sackboy"(3), "Turboman"(4), ...
41 Lisa and Nanao "nutella"(14), "Kingston"(9), "abdomen"(5), "lynched"(5), "Beyonce"(4), "flirted"(3), ...

URL Tracking

5 latest URLs from #RockmanEXEOnline

At URL Nick
Yesterday 8:19http://forums.ffshrine.org/showthread.php?t=54799MugenEXE
4/21 22:42http://kotaku.com/5221190/harmonix-announces-lego-rock-bandSR
4/20 23:30http://www.dimensionalarea.net/myfiles/random/TIGER-HELI2.jpgTalec

Most popular URLs
  URL Count First used by
1http://www.playtexbras.com/18hoursurvey/signup.asp 87Izumi|Tokyo|Sleep8/5/2007 21:51
2www.justin.tv/namerehwon 23Nam-Ereh-Won10/7/2008 1:17
3bash.org 20Spartacus7/28/2007 14:00
4Amazon.com 18BubblemanEXE7/29/2007 22:11
5www.isketch.net 18PlaguedOne7/12/2007 21:26
6ff.net 14Kazumi7/18/2007 22:54
7http://kitty11chan.livejournal.com/6677.html 13Kitty-Chan6/19/2008 19:52
8http://news.google.com/news?hl=en& 13BubblemanEXE1/18/2008 22:33
9http://lovefami.blog90.fc2.com/ 12Zhen-Chan8/10/2007 3:57
10last.fm 12Kazumi8/1/2007 15:51

1 random URLs
At URL First used by
4/3 20:35http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/3494/1238798913323.jpgAinaSahalin

8795 unique URLs collected since 7/11/2007

Activity distribution

5/2008 - 4/2009

Lines per day Number of days
1 (0.3%)
2 (0.6%)
3 (0.8%)
9 (2.5%)
20 (5.6%)
55 (15%)
117 (33%)
96 (27%)
53 (15%)
2 (0.6%)

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mIRCStats v1.21 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen.