!rules |
This is the most important command for a new user. This displays the channel rules to you in notices that only you will see. Please read the rules if you have not done so. |
!ping |
Bubbleman will ping you and tell you the results in the channel. This number indicates the amount of lag you have. |
!quote |
Displays a random quote from a collection of humorous moments in the channel. Users must wait one minute between quotes. |
!findquote [search words] |
This allows you to search the quotes for a specific word or words. Bubbleman will display the first matching result he finds. |
!totalquotes |
Bubbleman will tell you how many quotes he contains. |
!google [search words] |
Too lazy to open up www.google.com? Don't worry, using this trigger will have Bubbleman look for you. He will display the first Google match to the channel. |
!roll [number of dice] [number of sides] |
Bubbleman will roll a number of dice you specify with the number of sides specified. Thus, the command "!roll 2 6" will roll 2 6-sided dice. |
!seen [nick] |
Bubbleman will tell you the last time he saw the user with the nick you specify. |
!flip |
Bubbleman will flip a coin and tell you if it landed 'heads' or 'tails'. |
!calc [what to calculate] |
Bubbleman will do a bit of math for you, but only mirc terms are allowed. For example, if you wan him to calculate 2 x 3 you must type "!calc 2*3". Bubbleman does not know order of operations, however. |
!CtoF [number] |
Bubbleman converts temperature for you! This command will convert a Celcius temperature into Fahrenheit. |
!FtoC [number] |
This command will convert Fahrenheit into Celcius. |
!time |
A somewhat pointless command, because if you're ona computer, you should have a clock right there. |
!trivia |
By default this will begin a round of 10 questions. Bubbleman always waits one minute between questions so that the flow of discussion is not interupted. You can use a number after !trivia to specify a longer or shorter round. |
!strivia |
This command will stop the trivia. |
!hint |
When used during a question, Bubbleman sends you a notice which contains a hint to the answer of the currect question. Normally you gain 5 points for a correct answer, but only gain 2 points if you used a !hint. |
!ping |
Bubbleman will ping you and tell you the results in the channel. This number indicates the amount of lag you have. |
!HOF |
Trivia Hall of Fame. Bubbleman will send you a notice which displays the top 10 scores. |
!HOFfast |
This displays the top 10 fastest answer times. |
!HOFwpm |
This displays the top 10 words per minute scores. |
!HOFstreak |
This displays the top 10 streak scores. A streak is the number of questions answered in a row. |