Rockman.EXE Online on IRC
If you're new to the world of IRC, this section will assist you in finding your way into the Rockman.EXE Online channel. From choosing a client to actually entering the channel, this will tell you how.
º How to get into the channel º

Once you're in the channel, you'll need to become familiar with the rules. The channel "bot", BubblemanEXE, is set up to kick or ban automatically in certain cases.
º Channel Rules º
Now that you know the rules, chat away. IRC channels can be very interactive, so here are some common IRC commands, as well as some commands to use with Bubbleman. Please remember, do not abuse the bot.
º Channel Commands Help º
To see who talks most and when, view the IRC channel statistics! Bubbleman logs each and every moment of conversation.
º Channel Stats º